Versailles: Palace of Versailles Skip-the-Line Guided Tour
Picture 13 for Activity Versailles: Palace of Versailles Skip-the-Line Guided Tour
Picture 11 for Activity Versailles: Palace of Versailles Skip-the-Line Guided Tour
Picture 12 for Activity Versailles: Palace of Versailles Skip-the-Line Guided Tour
Picture 1 for Activity Versailles: Palace of Versailles Skip-the-Line Guided Tour

Versailles: Tur Berpemandu Langsung ke Istana Versailles

Oleh GetYourGuide France
9,4 dari 10
Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Harga Rp1.099.174 per dewasa
  • Tersedia pembatalan gratis
  • 1j 30m
  • Voucher mobile
  • Konfirmasi instan
  • Beberapa bahasa
  • Kembali ke masa lalu, temukan sejarah Istana Versailles yang mengesankan
  • Kalahkan kerumunan orang banyak dan langsung masuk dengan slot waktu yang telah Anda pesan sebelumnya
  • Jelajahi Hall of Mirrors dan Apartemen Kenegaraan Raja dan Ratu
  • Dipandu oleh pemandu ahli melalui Château kerajaan yang penuh simbol
  • Pelajari tentang keluarga kerajaan Prancis, termasuk Raja Louis XVI dan Marie Antoinette

Lokasi aktivitas

    • Paris
    • Paris, Île-de-France, France

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • 10 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 78000 Versailles, France | Check in at the GetYourGuide store, located across the street from the RER line C Versailles Château Rive Gauche train station. Then, be escorted by your guide to the Palace, which is a 10-minute walk from the shop. Take the 'Avenue de Paris' exit at the train station and find the office across the street next to the Café Madeleine. Please be aware that the train from Paris to Versailles takes approximately 1 hour. There are 2 options with public transport: 1. Take a train to the Versailles Rive Droite station (Take line L via Saint Lazare or La Défense) then it's a 25-minute walk to the meeting point. 2. Take a train to Versailles Chantiers station (Take line N via Montparnasse or line U via La Défense) then it's a 15-minute walk to the meeting point.
    • Versailles, Île-de-France, France

Tersedia beberapa titik berkumpul atau penukaran, lihat informasi lokasi untuk daftar lengkap

Periksa ketersediaan

Tur Kelompok dalam bahasa Prancis
  • Durasi aktivitas adalah 1 jam 30 menit1j 30m1j 30m
  • Bahasa Prancis

Tur bersama hingga 27 orang

Pilihan bahasa: Bahasa Prancis
Waktu mulai: 13.00
Rincian harga
Rp1.099.174 x 1 DewasaRp1.099.174

Harga Rp1.099.174
Tur Grup dalam bahasa Italia
  • Durasi aktivitas adalah 1 jam 30 menit1j 30m1j 30m
  • Bahasa Italia

Nikmati tur bersama hingga 27 orang.

Pilihan bahasa: Bahasa Italia
Waktu mulai: 09.40
Rincian harga
Rp1.099.174 x 1 DewasaRp1.099.174

Harga Rp1.099.174
Tur Kelompok dalam Bahasa Inggris
  • Durasi aktivitas adalah 1 jam 30 menit1j 30m1j 30m
  • Inggris

Tur bersama hingga 27 orang. Kami merekomendasikan untuk memesan slot sore hari untuk menghindari keramaian pagi hari di Versailles.

Pilihan bahasa: Inggris
Rincian harga
Rp1.099.174 x 1 DewasaRp1.099.174

Harga Rp1.099.174
Konten di halaman ini mungkin diproduksi dengan terjemahan mesin

Apa yang sudah termasuk dan apa yang belum

  • Sudah termasukSudah termasukTiket masuk tanpa antrean ke Istana Versailles
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Tur berpemandu selama 90 menit
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Akses ke taman hanya dari bulan November hingga Maret (gratis selama musim dingin)
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasukTiket masuk ke kediaman Marie Antoinette dan Trianon
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasuk Pertunjukan air mancur musikal
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasuk Transfer ke/dari Paris
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasuk Akses ke kebun dari bulan April hingga Oktober
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasuk Antar-jemput dari dan ke hotel

Ketahui sebelum memesan

  • Tidak diperbolehkan: Makanan dan minuman, Koper atau tas besar, Hewan peliharaan, Tongsis, Senjata atau benda tajam
  • Tidak cocok untuk: Orang dengan gangguan mobilitas

Apa yang bisa Anda harapkan

Temukan kemegahan, keindahan, dan sejarah Istana Versailles dalam tur berpemandu dengan tiket tanpa antrean. Masuklah ke dalam melalui pintu masuk prioritas dan ikuti pemandu ahli melalui aula mewah mahakarya arsitektur Prancis yang ikonis ini.

Tiba di titik pertemuan untuk bertemu dengan pemandu Anda yang akan memberi Anda perkenalan yang ramah tentang kompleks kerajaan dan membawa Anda ke dalam untuk mulai menjelajahi salah satu istana terbesar di dunia.

Lihatlah Apartemen Kenegaraan Raja dan Ratu yang penuh hiasan dan Hall of Mirrors yang berkilauan, salah satu ruangan paling simbolis di Versailles Château dan tempat berlangsungnya berbagai peristiwa bersejarah, termasuk Perjanjian Versailles.

Pelajari tentang tokoh-tokoh utama monarki Prancis, mulai dari Raja Louis XVI hingga istrinya, Marie Antoinette. Dengarkan pemandu Anda menghidupkan karakter-karakter legendaris ini dengan kisah-kisah yang menghibur.

Nikmati banyak kesempatan untuk bertanya selama tur interaktif ini. Setelah itu, Anda dapat menjelajahi istana atau berjalan-jalan di taman sendirian.


Lokasi aktivitas

    • Paris
    • Paris, Île-de-France, France

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • 10 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 78000 Versailles, France | Check in at the GetYourGuide store, located across the street from the RER line C Versailles Château Rive Gauche train station. Then, be escorted by your guide to the Palace, which is a 10-minute walk from the shop. Take the 'Avenue de Paris' exit at the train station and find the office across the street next to the Café Madeleine. Please be aware that the train from Paris to Versailles takes approximately 1 hour. There are 2 options with public transport: 1. Take a train to the Versailles Rive Droite station (Take line L via Saint Lazare or La Défense) then it's a 25-minute walk to the meeting point. 2. Take a train to Versailles Chantiers station (Take line N via Montparnasse or line U via La Défense) then it's a 15-minute walk to the meeting point.
    • Versailles, Île-de-France, France
    • 10 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 78000 Versailles, France | Check in at the GetYourGuide store, located across the street from the RER line C Versailles Château Rive Gauche train station. Then, be escorted by your guide to the Palace, which is a 10-minute walk from the shop. Take the 'Avenue de Paris' exit at the train station and find the office across the street next to the Café Madeleine. Please be aware that the train from Paris to Versailles takes approximately 1 hour. There are 2 options with public transport: 1. Take a train to the Versailles Rive Droite station (Take line L via Saint Lazare or La Défense) then it's a 25-minute walk to the meeting point. 2. Take a train to Versailles Chantiers station (Take line N via Montparnasse or line U via La Défense) then it's a 15-minute walk to the meeting point.
    • Versailles, Île-de-France, France
    • 10 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 78000 Versailles, France | Check in at the GetYourGuide store, located across the street from the RER line C Versailles Château Rive Gauche train station. Then, be escorted by your guide to the Palace, which is a 10-minute walk from the shop. Take the 'Avenue de Paris' exit at the train station and find the office across the street next to the Café Madeleine. Please be aware that the train from Paris to Versailles takes approximately 1 hour. There are 2 options with public transport: 1. Take a train to the Versailles Rive Droite station (Take line L via Saint Lazare or La Défense) then it's a 25-minute walk to the meeting point. 2. Take a train to Versailles Chantiers station (Take line N via Montparnasse or line U via La Défense) then it's a 15-minute walk to the meeting point.
    • Versailles, Île-de-France, France
    • 10 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 78000 Versailles, France | Check in at the GetYourGuide store, located across the street from the RER line C Versailles Château Rive Gauche train station. Then, be escorted by your guide to the Palace, which is a 10-minute walk from the shop. Take the 'Avenue de Paris' exit at the train station and find the office across the street next to the Café Madeleine. Please be aware that the train from Paris to Versailles takes approximately 1 hour. There are 2 options with public transport: 1. Take a train to the Versailles Rive Droite station (Take line L via Saint Lazare or La Défense) then it's a 25-minute walk to the meeting point. 2. Take a train to Versailles Chantiers station (Take line N via Montparnasse or line U via La Défense) then it's a 15-minute walk to the meeting point.
    • Versailles, Île-de-France, France
    • 10 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 78000 Versailles, France | Check in at the GetYourGuide store, located across the street from the RER line C Versailles Château Rive Gauche train station. Then, be escorted by your guide to the Palace, which is a 10-minute walk from the shop. Take the 'Avenue de Paris' exit at the train station and find the office across the street next to the Café Madeleine. Please be aware that the train from Paris to Versailles takes approximately 1 hour. There are 2 options with public transport: 1. Take a train to the Versailles Rive Droite station (Take line L via Saint Lazare or La Défense) then it's a 25-minute walk to the meeting point. 2. Take a train to Versailles Chantiers station (Take line N via Montparnasse or line U via La Défense) then it's a 15-minute walk to the meeting point.
    • Versailles, Île-de-France, France