Waterside Theatre

The Waterside Theatre is an extraordinary symbol of cross-community cooperation in Northern Ireland’s most divided city. The theatre in Derry-Londonderry’s Waterside district was born at the height of the Troubles and was designed to bring Protestant and Catholic children together to learn about the arts. Now it is one of the city’s three main theatres and hosts drama, dance, comedy, live music and even ballet.

Until 1990, the building that houses the Waterside Theatre was a shirt factory that had lain derelict since the 1970s, but it was bought by the Maydown Ebrington Group to bring together youngsters from both sides of the conflict, so they could learn about the world of work. This led to the creation of the Waterside Theatre in 2001, and to ensure that the theatre was not perceived as being especially for Protestants or Catholics, the entrance was moved to a “neutral” street.

Now the 372-seat theatre is a thriving arts venue in Derry-Londonderry – a city still so divided that Protestants and Catholics cannot agree on its name, earning it the nickname Stroke City – and features performances from major theatre groups in the city. It boasts a single-screen cinema, restaurant and bar.

The Waterside Theatre hosts the annual City of Derry Drama Festival and Hidden Treasures Children’s Theatre Festival, and is regularly used by touring companies. The theatre has resident theatre companies specialising in youth drama, circus performances, hip hop dance and music.

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