Santuario Santa Maria delle Grazie

Madonna delle Grazie

Marvel at rich Baroque decoration, precious artworks by the likes of Moretto and Grazio Cossali, and a pretty cloister in this 16th-century religious complex.

The Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie is a religious complex encompassing a church and a shrine, connected by an attractive cloister, as well as a former monastery that now houses a school. Examine the richly decorated interior of the church, which features religious-themed frescoes and paintings by several well-respected regional painters.

The church was first built by the Hieronymites, a Catholic order of hermit monks, in the early 16th century following the destruction of their church and convent during a siege. It was later transferred to the Jesuits, who established a school here. In 1963, the church was formally declared a basilica minor by Pope John XXIII.

Start your visit by examining the church’s façade. Though rather simple in design, the exterior does have a few eye-catching features, most notably the intricately carved wooden doors, which date back to the late 15th century.

Inside, the church is a riot of Baroque-style ornamentation, with gold, frescos and stuccowork at every turn. Survey the elaborate interior and take a closer look at some of the precious artworks on display here. Search for Moretto’s Our Lady with the Child and Saints in the chapel at the end of the nave and study Grazio Cossali’s Adoration of the Wise Kings inside the presbytery.

Walk through the attractive cloister and admire the Renaissance-style arcades. In the center of the courtyard stands a fountain with a statue of the Virgin Mary. The water of the fountain is said to have been blessed by 16th-century Counter-Reformation leader Charles Borromeo.

From the cloisters, enter the shrine, which features marble walls, colonnades, frescoes and various coats of arms. Don’t miss the venerated 16th-century image of Our Lady. It is said that on May 22, 1582, several people witnessed the image of the Virgin Mary moving and the baby Jesus, depicted beneath her, responding.

The Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie is located in central Brescia. Ride the metro to San Faustino or Vittoria the complex is about a 10-minute walk from both stations.

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