St. Mary Lake

Western Montana

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Spot mule deer, elk and bears along the shorelines of this scenic lake, which is bordered by meadows on one side and towering mountain peaks on the other.

Large, pristine and calm, St. Mary Lake offers opportunities for relaxation, boating, wildlife watching and hiking. Admire the breathtaking mountain backdrop during a boat tour and look for wildlife, such as elk and mule deer, grazing in the surrounding meadows.

At 10 miles (16 kilometers) in length, St. Mary Lake is the second-largest lake in Glacier National Park. Bring your camera to capture its beauty. It is known for its teal-colored glacial waters and the rugged mountain peaks that rise up around it.

Boating is one of the most popular activities on the lake during summer. Sign up for a guided tour to see the Sexton Glacier as well as waterfalls cascading down the mountain slopes. Some tours also take passengers close to Wild Goose Island, which offers a splendid panoramic viewpoint of the lake and mountains. Rent a canoe, kayak or motorboat and steer your own adventure.

Fishing is also permitted on the lake and quite popular, with lake trout or mackinaw being the most common catch. For an extra thrill, try water skiing on the serene lake’s surface.

Several hiking trails also crisscross the vicinity of the lake. Embark on the easy 2.5-mile (4-kilometer) route to St. Mary Falls and Virginia Falls and look for various wildlife species, including mule deer, elk and bears. During the late spring and summer, colorful wildflowers bloom on the hillsides.

Stay overnight at one of the lake’s campsites and admire the views of the twinkling stars reflecting in the lake’s mirror-like waters. For more information on the selection of activities around the lake, stop at the St. Mary Visitor Center. Staff rangers in the center are available to answer any questions.

Find St. Mary Lake in the eastern part of Glacier National Park. Be aware that the water here is usually too cold for swimming, even in summer. For the best lake views, visit during the warmer months, as the lake’s surface often freezes solid during winter.

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