Yasaka Shrine

Yasaka Shrine showing religious aspects and a temple or place of worship as well as a large group of people

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Discover the long history entwined with sacred myths and exciting annual festivities of this shrine located adjacent to Kokura Castle.

Experience the Gion Matsuri festivities and learn about the historic symbols at the Yasaka Shrine in Kokura. The ancient shrine dates back to the 9th century, predating the foundations of the Kokura Castle by approximately 600 years. Overlooking the castle’s main entrance, the Yasaka Shrine is a tranquil area where you can watch locals paying respects to the shrine or join some of the rituals that take place here.

Stroll along the Riverwalk Kitakyushu to find the entrance to the castle and the Yasaka Shrine. Walk across the impressive bridge structure that passes over the shrine’s moat and take in the ambiance of this special place. See the tall torii gates overhead, marking the shrine’s gateway. You might observe locals washing their hands with water ladled from a small trough or fountain. This is known as purification, and is a customary procedure before approaching the main hall, or honden.

Admire the ornate architecture of the offering hall, or haiden. This hall contains the shrine’s sacred relics. See if you can spot the image of a falcon in the shrine. This imagery relates to the Kokura Domain’s 17th-century lord, Hosokawa Tadaoki. According to legend, the lord came across the shrine while out hunting and attempted to peer inside to see the shrine’s sacred object. A falcon flew out and scratched the lord’s eyes, which led him to believe it was a divine punishment. The shrine you see today is the larger and more impressive shrine that the lord built as a plea for forgiveness.

If you are visiting in July, you can watch the annual Gion Matsuri festivities. As a branch of the acclaimed Yasaka Jinja in Gion, the Yasaka Shrine is one of three major destinations for the popular festival. In November, you might catch the Shichi-Go-San festival, which is an important coming-of-age ritual for 7-, 3- and 5-year-old children.

The Yasaka Shrine is easily accessible via the Riverwalk Kitakyushu when heading toward the Kokura Castle. It is a 5-minute walk south from the main Nishi-Kokura railway station. The shrine is free to visit daily.

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