Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington

Properti bintang 4.0
Hotel ramah lingkungan kelas atas, dekat dari Taman Hyde

Pilih tanggal untuk melihat harga

bulan Anda saat ini adalah August, 2024 dan September, 2024.
Agustus 2024
September 2024

Galeri foto untuk Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington

Bar (di properti)
Objek wisata
Kamar Double, akses difabel | Kamar mandi | Kombinasi shower/bathtub dan perlengkapan mandi gratis
1 kamar tidur, seprai antialergi, brankas, dan meja kerja




Fasilitas populer

  • Gym
  • Parkir tersedia
    Parkir tersediaParkir tersedia
  • Tersedia sarapan
    Tersedia sarapanTersedia sarapan
  • Bar
  • Layanan kamar
    Layanan kamarLayanan kamar
  • Resepsionis 24/7
    Resepsionis 24/7Resepsionis 24/7
Harga sekarang Rp1.604.512
total Rp1.925.414
termasuk pajak & biaya lainnya
22 Agu - 23 Agu

Jelajahi area

Scarsdale Place, Kensington, London, England, W8 5SY
  • Lokasi PopulerKensington High Street4 mnt jalan kaki
  • Lokasi PopulerTaman Hyde20 mnt jalan kaki
  • Lokasi PopulerMuseum Sejarah Alam3 mnt berkendara
  • BandaraLondon (LHR-Heathrow)33 mnt berkendara

Ulasan paling relevan

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Properti serupa

Tentang kawasan sekitar


Dekat stasiun kereta bawah tanah, Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington berada di kawasan London City Centre, London, daerah yang mudah dicapai dengan berjalan kaki dan memiliki pusat perbelanjaan yang menarik. Jelajahi landmark terkenal di kawasan ini, seperti Istana Buckingham dan Piccadilly Circus, atau nikmati budayanya dengan singgah di O2 Arena. Jangan lewatkan Coca-Cola London Eye. Para tamu senang dengan lokasi di pusat yang dimiliki hotel.

Yang ada di sekitar

  • Kensington High Street - 4 mnt jalan kaki
  • Royal Albert Hall - 18 mnt jalan kaki
  • Taman Hyde - 20 mnt jalan kaki
  • Museum Sejarah Alam - 3 mnt berkendara
  • Pusat Perbelanjaan Westfield London - 5 mnt berkendara


  • Stasiun Bawah Tanah High Street Kensington - 4 mnt jalan kaki
  • Stasiun Bawah Tanah West Brompton - 20 mnt jalan kaki
  • Bandara Heathrow (LHR) - 33 menit berkendara


  • ‪McDonald's - ‬5 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Dishoom - ‬5 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Knoops - ‬5 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Japan House - ‬4 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Akira - ‬5 mnt jalan kaki

Tentang properti ini

Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington

Hotel bintang 4 ramah lingkungan dekat Taman Hyde
Tidak jauh dari Istana Buckingham dan Piccadilly Circus, Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington menyediakan kedai kopi/kafe, layanan penatu/dry cleaning, dan bar. Di dua restoran di properti ini, nikmati sarapan, makan siang, makan malam, dan masakan Inggris. Selain pusat kebugaran dan pusat bisnis, tamu dapat terhubung dengan akses Internet nirkabel gratis.
Anda juga akan menikmati manfaat seperti:
  • Sarapan lengkap (biaya tambahan), parkir di properti, dan check-out ekspres
  • Layanan concierge, layanan pernikahan, dan aula resepsi
  • Lift, properti bebas-rokok, dan meja pemesanan tur/tiket
  • Ulasan tamu mengatakan hal yang baik tentang the lokasi di pusat dan staf
Fitur kamar
Semua kamar 833 memiliki kenyamanan seperti layanan kamar 24 jam dan brankas ukuran laptop, serta manfaat seperti ruang kerja ramah laptop dan AC. Ulasan tamu sangat merekomendasikan kamar kebersihan kamar, ukuran kamar di properti ini.
Manfaat lainnya termasuk:
  • Daur ulang dan lampu bohlam LED
  • Kamar mandi dengan kombinasi shower/bathtub dan perlengkapan mandi gratis
  • Televisi layar datar dengan TV satelit
  • Lemari es, Buku anak-anak, dan pemanas air untuk kopi/teh

Penghargaan dan afiliasi

Properti Ramah Lingkungan
Properti ini berpartisipasi dalam Program Green Tourism, sebuah program yang mengukur dampak properti terhadap salah satu atau beberapa aspek berikut: lingkungan, komunitas, warisan budaya, dan ekonomi setempat.


Arab, Bulgaria, Tionghoa (Kanton), Inggris, Filipina, Prancis, Jerman, Yunani, Hindi, Hongaria, Italia, Jepang, Korea, Portugis, Rumania, Rusia, Slowakia, Spanyol

Fasilitas properti


  • Tersedia di semua kamar: Wi-Fi dan internet berkabel gratis
  • Tersedia di beberapa area publik: Wi-Fi dan internet berkabel gratis

Tempat parkir dan transportasi

  • Parkir aman beratap di properti (GBP 29 per malam)
  • Tersedia parkir dengan akses kursi roda

Makanan dan minuman

  • Setiap hari sarapan lengkap berbayar tersedia: GBP 13,50 per orang
  • 1 bar/lounge
  • 1 kedai kopi/kafe
  • 2 restoran
  • Toko camilan/toko makanan

Restoran di properti

  • Bugis Street
  • Cafexpress
  • The Brasserie

Aktivitas menarik

  • Gym
  • TV di area umum

Cocok untuk keluarga

  • Buku anak-anak
  • Fasilitas laundry
  • Kamar kedap suara
  • Lemari es dalam kamar
  • Mainan anak
  • Permainan anak
  • Toko camilan/toko makanan


  • ATM
  • Brankas di resepsionis
  • Fasilitas laundry
  • Penitipan koper
  • Resepsionis 24 jam
  • Toko Souvenir/kios koran

Layanan tamu

  • Bantuan tur dan tiket
  • Layanan concierge
  • Layanan laundry/dry cleaning
  • Layanan pernikahan
  • Pembersihan kamar harian
  • Porter/bellboy
  • Staf multibahasa

Layanan bisnis

  • Pusat bisnis
  • Pusat konferensi
  • Ruang rapat


  • Jika Anda memiliki permintaan untuk fasilitas difabel tertentu, harap hubungi properti menggunakan informasi yang tertera pada konfirmasi reservasi yang diterima setelah memesan.
  • Alat bantu dengar
  • Dapat diakses kursi roda (dengan batasan)
  • Jalur kursi roda
  • Lift
  • Tempat parkir dapat diakses kursi roda


  • 12 lantai
  • Aula banquet
  • Aula resepsi
  • Ballroom
  • Properti bebas rokok

Fasilitas kamar

Kamar tidur

  • Seprai antialergi
  • Seprai disediakan

Kamar mandi

  • Handuk
  • Kamar mandi pribadi
  • Kombinasi shower/bathtub
  • Pengering rambut
  • Perlengkapan mandi gratis


  • TV layar datar dengan saluran satelit

Makanan dan minuman

  • Layanan kamar 24 jam
  • Lemari es
  • Mesin pembuat kopi/teh


  • AC (pengatur suhu)
  • Brankas yang dapat memuat laptop
  • Daur ulang
  • Kamar kedap suara
  • Lampu LED
  • Meja tulis
  • Ruang kerja laptop
  • Setrika/meja setrika
  • Telepon
  • Tersedia kamar terhubung



Check-in mulai pukul: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: tengah malam
Check-in lebih awal tergantung ketersediaan
Check-in lebih akhir tergantung ketersediaan
Usia check-in minimal - 18


Check-out sebelum tengah hari
Tersedia check-out tanpa sentuh
Check-out lebih akhir tergantung ketersediaan
Biaya check-out lebih akhir: GBP 50.00
Tersedia check-out ekspres

Petunjuk check-in khusus

Resepsionis akan menyambut tamu saat kedatangan
Untuk detail selengkapnya, silakan hubungi pihak properti melalui informasi yang tertera pada konfirmasi pemesanan

Metode akses

Bellboy atau resepsionis

Hewan peliharaan

Hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan masuk

Anak dan tempat tidur tambahan

Anak-anak diperbolehkan
Anak-anak hingga usia 5 tahun dapat menginap gratis jika menggunakan tempat tidur yang ada saat menginap di kamar orang tua atau wali
Tempat tidur lipat/tambahan tersedia dengan biaya GBP 35.0 per malam

Jenis pembayaran properti

Informasi Penting

Fasilitas ekstra opsional

  • Biaya untuk sarapan lengkap: sekitar GBP 13.50 per orang
  • Biaya parkir sendiri di tempat tertutup: GBP 29 per malam (fasilitas khusus untuk keluar/masuk)
  • Biaya check-out terlambat: GBP 50.00 (tergantung ketersediaan)
  • Biaya kasur lipat: GBP 35.0 per malam

Daftar di atas mungkin tidak lengkap. Biaya dan deposit mungkin belum mencakup pajak dan dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.

Anda harus tahu

Biaya penambahan orang dapat berlaku dan berbeda-beda menurut kebijakan properti
Tanda pengenal berfoto yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah dan kartu kredit, kartu debit, atau deposit uang tunai diperlukan saat check-in untuk biaya tidak terduga
Pemenuhan permintaan khusus bergantung pada ketersediaan sewaktu check-in dan mungkin menimbulkan biaya tambahan; permintaan khusus tidak dapat dijamin
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit dan kartu debit; tidak menerima uang tunai
Tersedia transaksi non-tunai
Fitur keamanan di properti ini termasuk sistem keamanan dan tralis jendela
Properti ini menegaskan bahwa mereka mengikuti praktik sanitasi dari panduan Kami Bersih. Kami Peduli. Kami Menyambut. (Milenium).
Harap diperhatikan bahwa norma budaya dan kebijakan tamu dapat berbeda berdasarkan negara dan properti; kebijakan yang tercantum disediakan oleh properti

Perlu diketahui

Properti ini memiliki kamar yang terhubung atau bersebelahan, yang bergantung pada ketersediaan dan bisa diminta dengan menghubungi properti secara langsung menggunakan nomor telepon pada konfirmasi pemesanan
Properti ini menerima tamu tanpa memandang orientasi seksual dan identitas gender (ramah LGBTQ+)

Properti ini juga dikenal dengan nama

Copthorne Hotel London Kensington
Copthorne Tara
Copthorne Tara Hotel
Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington
Copthorne Tara London Kensington
Hotel Copthorne Tara
Hotel Copthorne Tara London Kensington
Hotel Tara London Kensington
Tara Copthorne
Tara Copthorne London Kensington
Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington England
Copthorne Tara Kensington
Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington Hotel
Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington London
Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington Hotel London

Pertanyaan umum

Apakah Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington ramah hewan peliharaan?

Tidak, hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan masuk di properti ini.

Berapa biaya menginap di Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington?

Mulai 27 Jul 2024, harga yang ditemukan untuk 1 malam menginap untuk 2 orang dewasa di Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington pada 22 Agu 2024 mulai dari Rp1.604.512, belum termasuk pajak dan biaya lainnya. Harga ini berdasarkan harga per malam terendah yang ditemukan dalam 24 jam terakhir untuk masa menginap dalam 30 hari ke depan. Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu. Pilih tanggal untuk harga yang lebih akurat.

Berapa biaya parkir di Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington?

Parkir mandiri tersedia dengan biaya GBP 29 per malam.

Pukul berapa check-in di Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington?

Check-in mulai pukul: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: tengah malam. Check-in terlambat tersedia pada jam tertentu.

Pukul berapa check-out di Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington?

Check-out pada pukul tengah hari.Check-out lebih akhir tersedia dengan biaya GBP 50.00 (tergantung ketersediaan).

Di mana lokasi Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington?

Berlokasi di London City Centre, hotel ramah lingkungan ini berjarak 1,7 km dari Taman Hyde serta dalam 5 km dari Istana Buckingham dan Piccadilly Circus. Trafalgar Square dan Big Ben juga berada dalam 10 km.Stasiun Bawah Tanah High Street Kensington hanya berjarak 4-menit dengan berjalan kaki dan Stasiun Bawah Tanah Earls Court berjarak 12 menit.

Ulasan Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington




Penilaian 10 - Sangat Bagus. 857 dari 2848 ulasan" "
Penilaian 8 - Bagus. 867 dari 2848 ulasan" "
Penilaian 6 - Cukup Baik. 529 dari 2848 ulasan" "
Penilaian 4 - Buruk. 321 dari 2848 ulasan" "
Penilaian 2 - Sangat Buruk. 274 dari 2848 ulasan" "




Staf & layanan




Kondisi & fasilitas properti


Ramah lingkungan


10/10 Sangat Bagus


Bepergian bersama keluarga dan anak
Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Reception staff very helpful and quick. They gave me room i requested by email for good view. Got upgraded to club breakfast but more choice in normal breakfast. Also buffet style so great. Muffin man cafe great for breakfast also. V close to high st kensington tube. Can walk to kensington palace and holland park. Rooms cleaned every day. Expensive shop for food in hotel.
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

4/10 Buruk


Bepergian bersama keluarga
Tidak Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Reception staff seamed unwelcoming and unhappy. Suggest need training in customer service. Had to wait for room to become available. Room smelled damp. Bed was surprisingly comfortable however. Room was tired and in need of maintenance. Shower rail was broken and no toilet brush in room. Downstairs toilets were unclean. Shop in the lobby was extortionately expensive. I.e. £5 for a pack of biscuits. On site bar was not open. Location was great with connection to High Street Kensington station but not enough to make me want to stay again. Have been staying in hotels for many years and this was one of my worst experiences to date. Would not recommend this hotel.
Menginap 2 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Bepergian bersama keluarga
Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
All staff courteous and helpful.
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Close to everything
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Bepergian dalam rombongan
Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Very nice hotel. Close to shopping and the parks. Highly recommended.
Menginap 4 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

4/10 Buruk


Not far from High st. Kensington.
Menginap 1 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Bepergian bersama keluarga dan anak
Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
This hotel surprised me. Much more of an international hotel feel than the small London hotel feel I was expecting. Maybe I didn’t read the reviews fully or the photos weren’t the best, but was pleasantly surprised. Huge lobby, multiple dining options, cafes, shop, breakfast was cooked and very good - the chef even made us some real poached eggs. 5 elevators meant no waiting. Staff were great and very helpful and we could leave our luggage before check in to explore the high street. So many convenient stores right next to the tube station which was a skip away from the hotel. I had two kids with me and it was indeed family friendly as the website says, and why I chose it. Will likely book again for future London tourist visits with family. The only irritation was pretty heavy dust on our floors wainscoting but it wasn’t a dusty hotel overall and room was very clean. Other than that - 5 stars!
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

6/10 Cukup Baik

Karen Rose

Disukai: Fasilitas
Tidak Disukai: Kondisi & fasilitas properti
Room very dated, peeling wallpaper in bathroom, mould all around bath and taps. Had to ask for toilet paper, only bit on roll . Took ages to check in, breakfast cold on first morning, improved thereafter.
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Bepergian dalam rombongan
Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Excellent we will stay again
Menginap 1 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

8/10 Bagus


Disukai: Staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Continuing from my previous review (ran out of characters). I was told I had to book the extra night online as there was nobody there from reservations. I was also told (rather rudely) that I had to make sure I made any changes before noon or I would be checked out of my room. When I asked if I could have the same room so I didn’t have to move she just curtly told me that she would check that after I’d booked online. So I booked online and came back and spoke to a male staff member this time, who politely and quickly got me checked out and back in to the same room and off I went. I had to wait in a long line as there was only this one person working the front desk, which seemed like poor planning on a Sunday morning at 11:00 am in a hotel where checkout is noon! The other kind of odd thing was we had requested extra hangers for our room. The first request just was never acted on, and when we called again they sent up 3, even though we had asked for 10. The next day I tried again but it took 4 phone calls and 3 visits from housekeeping for them to bring enough of the right kind of hangers (we had run out of the white things that you could hook the hookless hangers into, so we needed hangers with hooks but it took 3 tries to get them). Every time I called and asked for the specifics of my request to be entered into their system I was told they couldn’t - it was only “need hangers” that their system could enter with no place to enter comments or details. Otherwise great stay
Menginap 1 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

8/10 Bagus


Traveler bisnis
Disukai: Fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
My stay at the Copthorne was good overall. I was there for 9 days with one other person - we stayed in a deluxe room with 2 twin beds. The room layout was good. Carpet seemed grimy/dusty but the room was otherwise pretty clean. Beds were comfortable. I did not eat breakfast there so can’t comment on it. There is a cafe in the lobby and I got an espresso type drink (americano, latte) on most days. They were pretty good. There is a great little restaurant/tea house close by called the “ muffin man.” Definitely worth going to for breakfast, tea, or lunch. Front desk service was good for check-in. My luggage had been delayed and it ended up arriving to the hotel before I did. I had called ahead and asked them to receive it and hold it for me, which they did. When I arrived to the hotel I told the staff member my name and said that my room-mate had already checked in but I needed a room card. I told her the room number and she made me a card and gave it to me. She also mentioned that my suitcase had arrived and sent someone to get it for me. I was then given the suitcase. Neither the front desk worker nor the person giving me the suitcase checked my ID to confirm that I was indeed who I said I was. That was a little disconcerting, as I could have been anyone! On the Sunday morning I was supposed to check out I found out my flight had been delayed by 24 hrs so I needed to stay an extra night. I went to the front desk and was told (rather rudely) that I needed to book online.
Menginap 8 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Room a little dated
Menginap 2 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

8/10 Bagus


Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Friendly staff, great location but rooms are very dated. Try and avoid getting a room by the train tracks.
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

2/10 Sangat Buruk


Traveler bisnis
Tidak Disukai: Staf & layanan, fasilitas
My work laptop, which I asked the reception to keep until my check-in time, was stolen from the hotel. The staff were very defensive and did not take my complaint seriously, refusing to check their CCTV or conduct an investigation.
Menginap 5 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

6/10 Cukup Baik


Bepergian bersama teman
The quality of the food was very poor.
Menginap 5 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

2/10 Sangat Buruk


Bepergian bersama keluarga
Tidak Disukai: Kebersihan, kondisi & fasilitas properti
A very shabby hotel, in dire need of a refurbishment. Upon arrival we were told we had been upgraded which sounded wonderful, until we got to the room…1276..the light fitting was hanging off the wall, the air con was dreadful and the room smelt. There was an inter connecting door which offered zero sound insulation! We had specifically asked for a quiet room so decided to ask for a different room. Reception were very helpful and gave us a new room 1080, this room was much better but the cleaning was not of the best standard. We did but eat at the hotel and would NOT recommend…premier inn is much better!
Menginap 1 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

6/10 Cukup Baik


Traveler bisnis
Tidak Disukai: Kondisi & fasilitas properti
The lifts were terrible ! 2 were out of service and took 10-15 mins to get to the ground floor
Menginap 2 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

6/10 Cukup Baik

Peter, Middlesex

Bepergian bersama teman
The hotel is in a convenient location, close enough to walk to several museums and with a shops and restaurants just minutes walk away. I am sorry to say but I did find the hotel rather annoying. First, my partner and her son were refused entry to breakfast despite having their room details. The reason given was it hadn’t been pre-paid! What!!! Was unable to charge anything to the room and it just seemed to me than the hotel has their system but unfortunately they fail to communicate anything of importance which results in inconvenience and frustration. You only find out after the event. Also, the lifts get very busy and can mean waiting quite a while on occasions. Aside from that, staff do try their best but in my opinion are let down by archaic hotel systems and processes.
Menginap 2 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

6/10 Cukup Baik


Bepergian bersama keluarga
Didn’t like long queues for key collection despite having checked in on line. a couple of lifts not working so more queues - ended up taking the stairs from 6th floor. A few very Noisy squeaky room doors opening and shutting til 2.30 am - WD40 required on floor 6.
Menginap 2 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Menginap 13 malam pada bulan Juni 2024

6/10 Cukup Baik


Good public areas and food and friendly staff but room was poorly maintained and tired. Room service meal came in takeaway bag with cartons - no plate.
Menginap 1 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Disukai: Staf & layanan
Menginap 2 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

4/10 Buruk

Stephen, Taunton

Bepergian bersama keluarga
Disukai: Staf & layanan, fasilitas
Tidak Disukai: Kondisi & fasilitas properti
We booked a room for 3 adults and expected as advertised a put up bed which is what we got, however it was a short put up which was crammed into a apce between the desk and bucket chair with the desk also against the bed. Although we had booked 3 adults there was only two of everything in the room (slippers, towels, cups, glasses etc). Besides that the room was relatively clean apart from some black scuff marks on the walls, out of date PAT testing and light control unit held together by electrical tape.
Menginap 1 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

8/10 Bagus


Disukai: Staf & layanan, fasilitas
Food quality not up to the expected from a hotel of this standing. Elevator problems, at 1 time only 3 of 5 functional! Best thing about the hotel is its location.
Menginap 4 malam pada bulan Juli 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Loved the location, very central and very well connected. Comfortable stay, friendly staff
Menginap 4 malam pada bulan Juli 2024